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Nove Colli news

07 May 2024

Race Pack Collection Form 2024

Race bib check at Plazzo del Turismo Cesenatico (Via Roma 112) - race pack gadget collection at Nove Colli Village, Piazzale Andrea Costa in Cesenatico, Thursday 16/05 from 2:00 PM to 10:00 PM - Friday 17/05 and Saturday 18/05 from 9:00 AM to 10:00 PM.

IT IS MANDATORY TO PRINT OR DOWNLOAD on a smartphone/tablet from the website the DOCUMENT FOR THE RACE PACK COLLECTION (available from May 6th if all necessary data and attachments have been uploaded and accepted correctly) to be presented in order to receive the necessary race materials. The procedure to print/download this document can be performed by the registration holder, using the "User Name" and "Password" used during registration, in the Login area, or personally by the athlete in their personal area.

The race number and chip are strictly personal and non-transferable, with the penalty of immediate exclusion from the event and disqualification for the following year. Participants without a bib and/or with someone else's bib are not covered by insurance and can be legally punished in case of an accident. We remind you that exchanging bibs is a criminal offense.