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Nove Colli news

15 May 2024

#NoveColli4Children: Solidarity Rides on the Wheels of Champions

Fabio Aru, Christian Zorzi, Chiara Ciuffini, Rocco Cattaneo, Michele Pirro, Gian Paolo Mondini, and Jury Chechi ride for the Romagna's Oncological Institute (IOR)


The #NoveColli4Children dream team is ready to ride for solidarity with a high-level lineup that will take part in the Granfondo of Cesenatico to help and support the work that the Romagna's Oncological Institute carries out in the Pediatric Oncohematology department of Rimini. The driving force behind this initiative is Asd Fausto Coppi, organizer of Nove Colli, and Gobik, the leading brand of the race. At stake are 10,000 euros, but at least 4 members of the Dream Team must complete the 130km course within the time limit of 4 hours. A "tough" challenge because, despite the athletic abilities of all, it still requires good training to reach the coveted goal.

The high-level team that will ride for solidarity includes Fabio Aru, Christian Zorzi, Chiara Ciuffini, Rocco Cattaneo, Michele Pirro, Gian Paolo Mondini, and Jury Chechi.

Along with them this year, there are also exceptional members, enthusiasts who have chosen to sign up for this special version of the race by donating an increased fee to charity. Joining the team will be Gianni Bartoli, Luciano Comandini, Luca Prette, and Michele Lando. Thanks to this choice and their generosity, the amount to be donated will further increase by using the registration fees of the latter.

The appointment with everyone is at the Gobik stand on Saturday at 6:30 PM to present the team and deliver the jerseys.

The words of Giunio Bonoli, President of Fausto Coppi: "First of all, I want to thank Gobik, who has been supporting us in this initiative for years, and all the well-known faces who have chosen to join the cause along with Fausto Coppi and Nove Colli. A special mention goes to the four enthusiasts who have chosen to join the team by paying a special fee to be donated to charity. I am sure that with them, it will be easier to reach the goal," commented Giunio Bonoli, President of Fausto Coppi.